
Your PTA Board

Benefits of Being a Member

  • Community - By coming to our meetings and attending our events you are helping to build a community in our school. We are more than just parents, students and Teachers, we are a Holmes Hawks family! HAWKS FLY HIGH!!!

  • School Spirit - By becoming a part of our community you become an investor in our school and show your School Spirit and support

  • Programs and Events - The PTA is proud to host events and help provide programming to supplement the enrichment opportunities provided by the school. This helps grow our community and school spirit.

  • Information - Our PTA meetings are 10% PTA Business and 90% information. We partner very closely with school staff, admin and teachers to provided targeted support during meetings, build relationships and offer access to your school staff to get support and ask questions. We cover topics like student organization, mental health and hot topic social issues like Drugs and Vaping.